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Are You Going To Make a Difference This Year?

Miscellaneous 08/01/2017 4 min read

Are You Going To Make a Difference This Year?

Make a DifferenceHappy New Year!

I hope 2017 has started off well for you.

Whether you are into New Year intentions or not, I think we can all agree on one thing: this world needs healthy, happy people more than ever.

We can’t change what happened or people around us but we can definitely change how we show up in this world, physically, mentally and spiritually:

Happiness is a state of mind, which we can consciously cultivate but we stand a much better chance of feeling mentally strong and positive when our body and mind are functioning optimally.  When we can jump out of bed in the morning with energy, clarity and focus and when we live in a state of happy fulfilment, with purpose and passion and awareness.

If you choose to live that kind of life, banishing negativity and self-doubt and operating from a state of love, you not only elevate your own being, you cause a ripple effect that positively affects the whole of existence.

This is what we need to work on, collectively. This is what is going to make a difference in this world that sometimes feels like it’s slowly falling apart.

We need to be the change we want to see in this world, like Mahatma Gandhi said.

But what if, nine days into the New Year, your good intentions are already fizzling out..?

How do you make this work?

You make a commitment to yourself to be your healthiest and happiest self. You envision what this looks like for you, on a vision board, or written down on a piece of paper. You place this vision somewhere where you can see it every day and then you set out to do whatever it takes to make this a reality.

You break it down into action steps, you stay inspired with books, people, places, articles, and podcasts. You surround yourself with likeminded people who have similar goals. You get support in areas where you need it: a personal trainer, a yoga teacher, a health coach or a spiritual guide: someone to support you and hold you accountable.

Life throws challenges at you and you falter and pick yourself up again and you continue to consciously create the life you love.

Here are two things I fall back on to stay connected to my vision and to stay motivated and inspired:

1.     A daily mindfulness practice.

This can take any form. You can meditate, practice moments of mindfulness throughout the day, do breathing exercises or engage in a mind-body practice such as yoga, or tai chi. The aim is to switch off the continuous chatter in your head and be purely aware and present in the moment. It is in these moments that we are able to connect to our true essence and worry, negativity and fear fall away. We experience a deeper sense of clarity and purpose.

2.     Inspiration

There are so many people out there who are walking the same path as you, who have experienced similar challenges and who have found ways to overcome them. Find these people: read their books, listen to their talks, be inspired, uplifted and motivated by what they have to say.

Here are three examples of the resources that I use for ongoing inspiration:

  • A daily podcast by Sean Croxton with short bursts of wisdom (around 10 minutes daily) from well known motivational and inspirational speakers:  Quote of the Day
  • A weekly free newsletter by Rick Hanson with simple practices to strengthen the neural pathways of happiness, love and wisdom: Just One Thing
  • Daily inspiration from Brain Johnson: he picks inspirational passages out of books and turns them into a daily source of inspiration. https://www.optimize.me/


I wish you all the luck, health and happiness in 2017 and I look forward to staying connected with you as we work to make our visions a reality and contribute in our own way to making a difference.


Be Well,
